Dancing Day / Día de baile.

Dancing Day

I have found the event of today really interesting, I didn’t expect to contemplate such a scene with so many children having fun just by dancing

At the beginning when I entered the room I thought that it was a parade,the kids were walking around in circles to the sound of what it seemed an anthem to me, but then suddenly they stopped and the party begun, they all put their bodies to dance.

One more time I thought that it was just a party to dance like if there was no tomorrow,but again, I was wrong, it was a festival with different dancing shows.

The first show impacted me a little bit, two little girls were about to dance in a pole bar, in my country Spain pole bar dancing it’s not very usual,indeed I had never seen it before, I never thought I would happen to see so young girls perform that type of dance.Despite the first impression, I really enjoyed it, also apart from the girls,their instructor also made a dance in the tube, which I have to admit, it was thrilling.

Once the first show finished something I wasn’t awaiting happened, a different music started to rise and all the kids and teachers that were contemplating the show started to dance. That was repeated after every show, I personally think it’s a great idea, to keep the body active and not to be bored just watching,in that way everybody enjoy together dancing.

The next show were two elder girls dancing a choreography, they danced pretty nice and I enjoyed it too,but what really impressed me more was the show that was coming after that.A little girl about 8 or 9 years old started to dance in a street-techno fusion style,her movements were amazing she danced so well.The shows kept going,little and elder girls dancing different choreographies,some gymnastics,a group of elder girls and boys couples dancing bachatas...also I enjoyed a lot a dance between two instructors,they were very passionate and moved so good.Again I was surprised with one of the shows by a girl dancing ballet;she did it so well that I was amazed with how beautifully she was dancing to the rhythm of the song.

To sum up, the dancing event was very cheerful,everybody was dancing and having fun at the rhythm of the music, I think it’s perfect to disconnect from the routine day.

Aitor Gonzalez Canadas

Día de baile

Hoy día 27 de abril, también conocido como día de baile, es un evento muy especial y muy alegre entre la ciudadanía polaca. El día del baile, como el propio nombre indica trata de bailar y pasarlo bien.

Nos hemos reunido en el gimnasio del colegio junto a todos los alumnos y ha empezado la diversión y la felicidad como han demostrado los alumnos del centro.

Lo primero para entrar en calor han puesto música y junto a la profesora han bailado pero no de cualquier manera, si no siguiendo el ritmo de la canción y la coreografía de la profesora, aunque esta no era de gran dificultad puesto que tal vez, no serían capaz de seguirla y como bien trata el evento, hay que pasarlo bien.

Después de entrar en calor, iban saliendo alumnos que practican otro tipo de bailes extraescolares como, Street dance, pool bar dance, gimnasia rítmica, etc…

De estos los que más me han impresionado han sido: Una joven que bailaba Street dance, otra joven que era gimnasta puesto que bailaba gimnasia rítmica, las dos jóvenes y su profesor que hacían pool bar dance con muy buena habilidad y por último la clase de merengue/bachata que han bailado tanto los profesores de baile y sus alumnos. Después de que estos últimos bailasen, los profesores nos de este grupo nos han deleitado con un baile de merengue que merecía la pena ver.

Todos los alumnos lo han pasado en grande como bien se ha visto reflejado en sus caras y los que han salido a mostrar sus dotes bailarines también, por poder mostrarles a sus compañeros lo bien que bailan.

Ha sido un placer poder disfrutar de este evento en persona y poder haber participado en él.

Mikel Sanchez Lasheras